Easy PB Dog Treats
Just 3 ingredients in these Easy PB Dog Treats! I make a batch and put half in the freezer, the other half in the fridge (or they get gooey!) My Pomeranians LOVE these. I use these cute silicone bone molds I got on Amazon. They’re just the right size for little dogs!
Set your mold on a sheet pan so they’re easy to slide into the freezer later. The silicone molds are soft and floppy and you’ll instantly regret trying to move them on their own once filled. Get your ingredients together. A word on peanut butter…I use a “natural” variety because there’s less sugar, fewer ingredients. Be sure you brand does NOT contain xylitol or other artificial sweeteners! They are poisonous to dogs. (They are awful for you too but that’s a post for another day.)
Add all your ingredients to a small sauce pan and heat it up slowly, stirring continuously. Have you mold close by. Once everything is completely melted and there are no lumps, you’re ready to pour. I use a regular tablespoon to fills the molds. Don’t worry if you drip some between, these molds are easy to clean. Slide the whole tray into the freezer. (Make sure you’ve cleared out a spot ahead of time!)
Leave the molds in the fridge for an hour or so, make sure they’re set hard before you try and pop them out. You’ll have to work fast because the heat from your fingers will start them melting.
I have the best luck pushing up on the bottom of the mold. If you try to pull them out, they’ll break. Don’t worry, if your dogs are like mine, they’re happy to dispose of the broken treats straight away!
I split these up into 2 Ziploc bags and freeze one, put the other in the fridge for their daily snacks.
Smokie and Bandit shown here doing quality control! 😉